Friday, July 1, 2011

Teacher Video Clip (ESR 505)

The video I chose for this assignment is a clip from the movie "School of Rock." See video here. The lesson is set up in this manner, the teacher is trying to gather ideas and words from his students. He prompts them to tell him what they think about him, to which the responses are mostly negative. He pushes one student particularly hard to get him to have a verbal reaction to someone "getting up in [your] grill." That student responds with "Step Off" and lyrics to a song are born.

The explicit curriculum in this video is how to write a rock song. Underneath the base of the lesson, the teacher is trying to get the students to have a reaction, express emotion and then channel those feelings into a positive medium (here: a rock song).  The teacher role is to provoke the students into expressing their feelings and to model how to make their expression into songs. The students provide the expression and content for the song. They are active contributors to the lyrics and as is seen in the rest of the film they eventually take over the class and band.

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