Monday, June 20, 2011

Bloom's Taxonomy with Web 2.0

This link is for a great infographic that synthesizes the levels of Bloom's taxonomy with educational web resources (many are Web 2.0), plus it's a cute peacock!

Bloom's Taxonomy Peacock  <-- found via (

Philosophy of Education (on-going)

My philosophy of education is simple, all children have the right to a good, equitable education. Although "good" is subjective, children should have a safe environment where they are given the tools and resources to learn and grow as individuals. Communities, government, schools, teachers, students and families have to work together in order to create this ideal educational environment.

In my classroom, I will strive to create a space where each of my students will have an equitable experience. Understanding the diversity and differences in my students’ backgrounds, learning styles and interactions will aide me in adjusting my planning to try and ensure success in the classroom. I aim to understand each child as an individual and be an advocate for their needs.

Teachers should be learners too. I will continue to expand my knowledge through courses, workshops, collaboration with colleagues and hands on experience. My students will be my teachers as I drive instruction to fit their needs, learn from their personal experiences and view topics through their eyes. I hope my love for learning will come across to my students through my passion for teaching.

My greatest hope is at the end of the day, I have given my students the opportunity to learn, think critically, understand how to utilize resources and to become life-long learners.

Friday, June 17, 2011